Featured Russian Executes unarmed Ukrainian POWs Sharad Tavade Jan 23, 2025Red Cross, United Nations are incompetent not commenting on the Russian atrocities. The international!-->!-->!-->…
Featured Russian spies surveilled Ukrainian troops at US base, trial hears Peeyush Randhawa Jan 14, 2025A Russian spy ring operating out of the UK tried to use sophisticated surveillance equipment to compromise and!-->!-->!-->…
Featured Ukrainian capture North Korean Sertug Bajwa Nov 3, 2024Kiev 1 November 2024. The Ukranian army eliminated a troop concentration of newly arrived North Koreans on the!-->!-->!-->…
Featured Kursk: ….and the wheels are coming off Ozakan Barlas Aug 16, 2024Washington/Paris/Berlin (12/8 – 28.57).Today is the twenty-anniversary of the sinking of the Kursk. A!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Featured Russian loss of life, who cares? Ardalan Suri Jun 8, 2024Kiev (8/6 – 17).The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Featured Ukrainian gets new tank brigades Musheer Abbasi Jun 6, 2024Kiev (15/5 - 60).Spokesperson for the Ukrainian!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…