Featured Ukrainian gets new tank brigades Musheer Abbasi Jun 6, 2024Kiev (15/5 - 60).Spokesperson for the Ukrainian!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Turkey Trade and economic cooperation between Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan Nakshatra Nancy Mar 4, 2023 The Governments of Azerbaijan, Turkiye and Turkmenistan have signed a decree approving the “Agreement between the!-->…
Turkey Turkey’s tragic earthquake is mourned by Caucasus and Central Asian nations. Raghu Pande Feb 24, 2023 ISTANBULCountries in the Caucasus and Central Asia expressed their condolences and showed solidarity with!-->!-->!-->…
Defence Russia’s Futile Attempt to Defeat Ukraine Acarya Kayal Feb 14, 2023After a year since it invaded Ukraine, now Russia is in the brink of massive loss. On February 7, 2023, Kyiv!-->!-->!-->…
Turkey Bayegan Group CEO is jostling to enter the Kurdish oil market Raghu Pande Jan 5, 2023Rüya Bayegan using prime minister Barzani’s right hand – Rania Majeed – to elbow her way back to KRG?!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…