Sri Lankan Mob Threatens Non-buddhist Religious Heads


MINORITY communities in Sri Lanka were furious after a group of multi-faith religious leaders were accosted by a mob led by a Buddhist leader and threatened with violence, reported Makkal Osai.

The leaders from other religions were visiting an area identified as Mayilathamadu at the behest of an NGO representing the families of those “forcefully disappeared” during the country’s civil war.

As the group was returning from the area, they were accosted by a mob that included the Buddhist leader, who threatened to kill them.

When police arrived at the scene, the officers prostrated themselves at the feet of the Buddhist leader before taking control of the situation and assisting the victims, claimed the NGO.

The group was eventually allowed to leave.

The event, organised by the Science Technology and Innovation Association, took place at the SJK (T) Jalan Yahya Awal on Saturday with 53 Tamil schools competing.

The team won RM1,000 in prize money, a trophy and certificates.

Source: The Star